The Love Fast: Day 6

If there is ONE thing that I absolutely hate, it’s waiting!!! I don’t feel that I am an impatient person, but I just don’t like waiting, especially when someone knows that I am waiting for them…. Or I defiantly don’t like having to “pull up” at the FAST food restaurant to wait for my food, while 3 cars go around me with their delicious meal…. Ugh, that TOTALLY urks me!!!

But why do I hate waiting?? Maybe it’s because I TOTALLY enjoy immediate gratification, or maybe it’s because I am unoccupied, and I get frustrated knowing that I want something or I have something to do, yet I have to wait. I guess, as a whole, my generation hates waiting though! We live in a day and age where we can get instant music downloads, we can send a text message and get immediate response, movies are attached to a game controller via Net Flicks, etc. Not to mention, many of us did not have to wait for much growing up. We had parents that did not want to see us struggle, so we were waited on hand and foot.

This was the life, and it has enticed us to want things right away versus waiting. For the 6 of us that have committed to participating in The Love Fast right now, we are seeking God to show us different things as it relates to love and relationships! We are praying for clarity in our situation, and WAITING on him move in our lives beyond our basic expectations, as it relates to our love lives.

Isaiah 4:30 says, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”. Though a common scripture, waiting on God is essential. — They that wait upon the Lord, waiting upon the Lord means to trust him, putting your confidence in him, that whatever you are expecting will come to pass. Waiting on him means that even though you do not know what the outcome will be, you will remain in a state of worship with your attention focused on him! You will believe in his promises and know that he is stirring up something in your favor.

Have you ever met a homeless person that has asked you for money, and you have change in the bottom of your purse or backpack. Do you remember how patient that person waited to receive a gift from you? How genuinely thankful they are that you helped when many others say no. Imagine yourself as this homeless person, instead of waiting on money though, you are waiting on God. You are waiting on him to answer your prayer, send you your soul mate, change your heart; you are waiting on your breakthrough, and expecting a miracle. But you have to wait patiently!!!

A good friend of mine told me today that the greatest form of worship is waiting! Pastor Dallas Wilson of the Center of Hope Ministries in Atlanta delivered an awesome message yesterday and stated that if you want your turnaround, you want your change to come; you have to pray and worship. Prayer changes things, but this is something we knew already. Rev. Wilson said if we want what God has for us, you have to worship when you are weary, worship when we are worried, worship when we are weak, and WORSHIP WHILE YOU WAIT!

So while we are waiting on God to move beyond our expectations, we need to worship him. Praise him for the things he is doing. Worship for you know he has his hand is something GREAT and you can’t wait to receive it. Christ knows EVERYTHING you need. He knows what you deserve, so as you praise and worship, trust that he is moving in your favor and he is preparing you for someone that is absolutely perfect for you, and he is preparing your mate for you, in which you will be absolutely perfect for them!!


Prayer: Father God, I just come to you with thanksgiving! Thanking you for being God alone, without my help. Thanking you for you Grace and Mercy. Thanking you for a forgiving heart and a desire to wait patiently! Lord I pray that as you reveal to me, what you have for me, and what you want for me, that I am able to sit still so that I can receive your blessings in all awesomeness! Lord I pray for obedience and sincerity as I wait on you. Father God, I love you and I thank you for all the wonderful things you are doing in my life. I say this prayer in your son Jesus name I pray. Amen and Praise God!!

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